V petek, 19. 4. 2024, smo na matični šoli izvedli filmsko popoldne v angleščini. Dogodka se je udeležilo 21 učencev in učenk s predmetne stopnje, njegov namen pa je bil predvsem:

  • pogovor in razmišljanje o filmu (tako o celoti kot o sestavnih delih),
  • ogled filma,
  • recenzija filma in
  • druženje.

Za opis in mnenje o filmskem popoldnevu sem prosil Tajo Mrak (8. a), Amadejo Markelj (8. a) in Kristjana Stanonika (7. a), vsak/-a učenec/-ka pa je podal/-a svoje mnenje o flmu.

»Vsak je povedal, kakšne filme najraje gleda in katerega je gledal nazadnje.« (Taja)

»Preden smo začeli gledati film, smo dobili učne liste, ki smo jih pol rešili pred filmom in pol po filmu.« (Amadeja)

»Med pogovorom je učitelj začel s pripravo kokic in pijače.« (Taja)

» Sam si lahko prinesel prigrizke in svojo pijačo (brez energijskih pijač). Skupaj smo pojedli 18 vrečk kokic in dobili smo tudi ledeni čaj.« (Amadeja)

»Nato se je predvajal film Back to the Future.« (Taja)

»Film mi je bil všeč. Bil mi je tudi zanimiv, ker sem ga gledala prvič.« (Amadeja)

»Film mi je bil všeč in naslednjič bi rad gledal Back to the Future 2.« (Kristjan)

»Ker nam je na koncu ostalo še nekaj časa, smo odigrali še eno igro.« (Taja)

»Všeč mi je bila družba, ki sem jo imela, in tudi igrica Peter kliče Pavla na koncu.« (Amadeja)

»Mislim, da se vsi strinjamo, da bi tako popoldne še večkrat ponovili.« (Taja)

»Edina stvar, ki mi ni bila všeč, je to, da do konca šolskega leta ne bomo imeli več filmskega popoldneva.« (Amadeja)

»Nič ne bi rad spremenil. Super je bilo!« (Kristjan)


Učenci so imeli o filmu naslednja mnenja:

What I liked about the movie:

  • the storyline;
  • special effects and drama;
  • the story was interesting and had a big plot twist;
  • there was always something going on;
  • the funny moments;
  • the acting;
  • the craziness of all the characters;
  • it was different from the other movies I have seen (I am sure I will watch all of the Back to the Future movies).


My favourite part was when:

  • Biff got beat up;
  • Marty went back to the future;
  • Marty’s dad punched the bully in the face;
  • Marty sang the song and everybody was really shocked;
  • Marty sang at the dance (I really liked that song);
  • Marty tells his parents not to get angry if their 8-year-old burns the carpet;
  • George punched Biff;
  • Marty came back home and the effort he put in the past paid off because their family lived a better and healthier life;
  • the guy was looking at a woman while she was changing 😊;
  • Doc showed the time machine;
  • the homeless guy said ”drunk driver”;
  • they fixed the clock;
  • George stood up for himself.


What I didn’t like about the movie:

  • When Marty blew the speaker.
  • It was very difficult to understand.
  • Sometimes you don’t know what’s going on. Some effects were a bit off and didn’t look good.
  • The CGI (computer-generated imagery) wasn’t that good – the fire looked fake.
  • It was kinda cringe when he kissed his mom.
  • There isn’t a thing I didn’t like – it was absolutely amazing!
  • When I had to go to the toilet.
  • It’s old.
  • The visuals weren’t the best (but I get it – it was made decades ago).


If I could change one thing about the movie it would be:

  • that they had fake blood when they shot him;
  • nothing;
  • Marty should start a music career and get famous;
  • the ending;
  • less loud noises;
  • that the dog would go with DOC;
  • the dog should drive the car.


Se vidimo na filmskem popoldnevu v naslednjem šolskem letu!

Andrej Ivanović


(Skupno 10 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)